Silver Films is part of the National Arts Council’s Silver Arts Festival that includes Silver Shorts and Silver Features. The section presents a selection of heartwarming films on living life to the fullest and holding our loved ones close to us.


Director: Yee Chang Kang
Commissioned for Silver Arts Festival 2017
Synopsis: 50 years is a long time. Two long-lost friends become re-acquainted after a chance encounter at the neighbourhood clinic. All told in a light-hearted manner, we hear snippets of their lives and catch a glimpse of their feisty characters—of how they were all young once.


Director: Sufyan Sam’an
Commissioned for Silver Arts Festival 2017
Synopsis: Rayqal is determined to make his musical dreams come true. However, his bad temper leaves him without a band to play with for a highly-anticipated competition. In a stroke of luck, he discovers his grandfather was once the frontman of a band.

Silver Shorts Selected:

  • A DAY’S REUNION (Dir. Png Zhenyu/2017/Singapore)
  • AFTER TASTE (Dir. Rebecca Ng/2016/Singapore)
  • THE VEILED WILLOW (Dir. Eva Tang/2017/Singapore)

Silver Features Selected:

  • SHOW ME YOUR LOVE (Dir. Ryon Lee/2016/Malaysia)
  • WONDER MAMA (Dir. Clifton Ko/2014/Hong Kong)
  • FOREVER LOVE (Dir. Aozaru Shiao & Toyoharu Kitamura/2013/Taiwan)
  • THE JOURNEY (Dir. Chiu Keng Guan/2014/Malaysia)